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EMF Studies and Links

Dr Neil Cherry

Dr Cherry is a former Lincoln College lecturer who took classes in meteorology and environmental science. His interest in emf started in 1994 when he was asked to investigate possible health effects of a cellsite near Opawa Primary School in Christchurch. Much research followed


Bioinitiative Report 2012

The Bioinitiative work group is a large group of professionals with an interest and in-depth knowledge of the health effects of electronic pollution.


Personal Healthy Recovery Stories

Hear the story of 5 people whose lives were dramatically improved


Cancer cells are radiation seekers

Why cancer often appears in areas where there is increased exposure to radiation


Seven-fold increase in brain cancer likelihood

The Swedish research group led by Professor Hardell evaluated the latest data on the effects of mobile phone radiation on the brain. This showed an up to 7.7 times increase in the risk of brain tumor development with long-term use (for over 20 years) of mobile phones and cordless phones.


Dr Pall

Dr. Martin L. Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington St. University, has extensively studied the non-thermal effects of EMFs. He has found that voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) are impacted by EMF radiation. Excess intercellular calcium is connected to Autism.



Connection Between EMF Radiation and Autism


Eileen O'Connor

Eileen was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001 and discovered a cancer/illness cluster surrounding the phone mast/cell tower and has continued to campaign for 20 years to highlight the risks associated with this technology.

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