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Why Choose Us?


EMF Radiation is an often overlooked factor to health and disease.


Negative effects include brain fatigue, disturbed sleep, behavior issues, bed wetting for children and overall drain on health and any existing health issues. Without testing and consulting, you have no idea where the issues in your home are or how to protect yourself. Knowledge is power!


Unique testing methods that are more accurate then our competitors.


We comprehensibly test the effects of radiation directly on your biological body, not just in the field or environment; giving you accurate feedback on the effect of radiation On You personally. We are the only company in New Zealand to do this in regards to low frequency and high frequency radiation. To learn more, click here.


Our specialists are experienced Electricians and trained in EMF radiation testing and solutions through GEOVITAL. They have experienced first hand the negative effects of EMF radiation and how solutions have changed their lives.


Hello, my name is Robert Noble from Christchurch New Zealand the owner of EMF Consultants NZ. I am a qualified Electrician for more than 25 years with experience in Building Automation, Commercial/Domestic installations and Alarms.


I have naturally progressed into the field of Environmental Medicine after becoming Electro hypersensitive and suffering health problems for many years. After investigating the issues at hand I identified Electro Magnetic Fields were a significant factor to my health and wellbeing and have logically progressed to becoming a consultant in this field. I have personally spent a lot of time and money on various products that claimed to mitigate or harmonize radiation only to discover later, when I had purchased the appropriate instruments to test them, that they did nothing. Through my own health journey and further education, I have discovered a scientifically sound protocol of testing and assessing EMF fields and radiation and proven solutions that are verifiable using accurate industry approved instruments right in front of you.


My objective is to help people in the community become aware of the ever increasing dangers of EMF`s that make a difference to peoples lives.


Restoring peoples health with mitigating EMF, which is often over looked as a key factor for recovery, is a rewarding undertaking. Being able to sleep or think clearly again is a moment you will remember. Although everyone will benefit from mitigating this invisible danger, people with disease and the autistic community stand to benefit the most in the short term creating a safe and environmentally calm or harmonious home.


I look forward to working with you to achieve Health & WellBeing.





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