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EMF Awareness
& Support

Dr Neil Cherry

Dr Cherry is a former Lincoln College lecturer who took classes in meteorology and environmental science. His interest in emf started in 1994 when he was asked to investigate possible health effects of a cellsite near Opawa Primary School in Christchurch. Much research followed


Stop Smart Meters

Smart meters are NOT compulsory in New Zealand.

We aim to provide information about the potential health and safety risks of “smart” or “advanced” meters as well as to share ways to avoid getting a “smart” meter – or to get rid of a “smart” meter if you do not want it.


Stop 5g before it stops you:


"you have no rights or protections until you make notice of your positions to your utility company’s top executive. … If you do not put your position on record, you are presumed to agree with everything your utility company does, and they are NOT acting in your best interests.”


High Voltage Transmission Lines

What is a safe distance for a home near high voltage power lines? read more


Environmental Health Trust

"We are a scientific think tank with a mission to safeguard human health and the environment by empowering people with state-of-the-art information."



Human Optimised Lighting

Healing Severe Chemical and EMF Sensitivity

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